Mini-Hydro & Large-Scale Hydro Generation


Solar Power : Utility Scale and Rooftop
With a mild, equatorial climate and abundant sunshine, solar power is one of the most promising renewable energy resources in our country. On average, every square meter of Indonesia receives 4.8 kWh of sun energy per day. Off grid solar power is one of the best and most economical solutions to providing power to Indonesia’s remote areas. The Government has recognized that PV is not just an answer for our rural areas but it can be an important contributor on a utility scale for urban/industrial areas as well. The tariffs and other incentives that the Government is promulgating are encouraging but, over the long term,
we believe in a PV industry that can operate competitively without incentives. Terregra has already kicked off several rooftop solar projects – focusing on commercial and institutional customers. We are also finalizing agreements with several global PV companies that will provide us with the technology to develop, build and operate major, utility-scale PV plants. ground-mounted utility scale plant are complementary and are part of our integrated renewable power portfolio.
“Solar power is one of the most promising renewable energy resources in our country.”
To achieve our aims, we have partnered with world-class companies
that bring proven expertise and technology.